Does your child struggle with any of these symptoms?
If You Suspect Your Child May Be Suffering...
Don't Wait Another Restless Night

How we can help.
Research has shown that these issues are often related. All of these symptoms may be linked to one common root cause – lack of proper growth and development in your child’s upper and lower jaws.
Vivos is conducting a clinical study on children between the ages of 3 and 12. Participants in the study will receive a free screening, a sleep study, education, and if your child is eligible for the study, will receive treatment at a reduced fee. Vivos has a safe, non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical approach to address the root cause of these issues in children.
Your Child's Future Is Worth It. Period
Call and speak to one of our clinical trial specialists.
They will discuss how we can help your child get the rest they need.
Signs & Symptoms of Your Childs Underdevelopment
The signs and symptoms of underdevelopment of the upper and lower jaws in children can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Here are some common signs to look out for
If You Suspect Your Child May Be Suffering From Any of These Symptoms...
Don't Wait Another Restless Night
Call and speak to one of our Clinical Trial Specialists. They will discuss your options and schedule your child’s sleep consultation with one of our doctors
3 Simple Steps
To giving your child the health they deserve!

Fill out a form on this website or call and speak to one of our clinical trial specialists.

Attend a parent education meeting, to learn about your options that are non surgical & non pharmaceutical.

You can give your child lifelong benefits with early corrections of symptoms that may be depriving them of peaceful sleep.
Upcoming Parent Education Meetings
We are now offering in-person and virtual parent education meetings
One-on-one meetings by request
Call to find out more about when we will be seeing children to determine if they are candidates for the study.
Contact our Clinical Trials Office
For More Information about clinical trials, please contact us today.
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